
Best Flooring for Asthma Sufferers

Mon 16th December 2013  | posted in carpets

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Choosing the right flooring is an important consideration for asthma sufferers.  Many people simply dismiss carpet as a choice of floor covering but we want to help people understand the many benefits of a carpeted floor.

Carpet has had a really bad press over recent years when looking at asthma.  It has been labelled as the worst possible choice to put on your floor primarily because many people with asthma are sensitive to the droppings of the house dust mite. These mites are tiny creatures that live in the dust that builds up around the home and are found in carpets, bedding, soft furnishings such as sofas and cushions and soft toys.

This is a situation that is, on the face of it, easy to understand and therefore it is simple to dismiss carpet as a flooring.  At Burts we think it is a mistake to do this and infact carpet should be seriously considered for use in a home where not only asthma sufferers live but also for homes that have people that are allergic to animals.

The alternative to carpets are hard floors but this option can bring other disadvantages.  One type of hard floor that has been widely used is laminate flooring.  Unfortunately laminate, and especially the more cost effective ranges, widely use MDF as a backing board and it is known that MDF may trigger asthma symptoms in some people.

Other hard floor include Linoleum and vinyl in either sheet or tile form.  In usual circumstances these hard floors will not harbour dust mites but there are other huge disadvantages, particularly that one of the most important things to consider in the home is the air quality.  Carpetscan help give you the best chance of providing the best quality of air.  In a carpeted room dust and other allergens fall to the floor and get trapped in the carpet and then can be removed by a vacuum cleaner rather than just being pushed around in the air. 

dust partikels

Asthma UK is currently working with Desso, a global carpet manufacturer, to highlight that fine dust is a trigger for some people with asthma and the advantages that carpet brings in this regard. A German manufacturer, Vorwerks, have been certified by the GUI, German asthma and allergy society, and have had their carpets proven to reduce fine dust particles in the air by more 50% when compared to a hard floorcovering.

If you are an asthma sufferer and want to choose carpet we have put together a handy guide to help you -

  • Always replace your carpet underlay - old underlay will harbour dust and other allergens.
  • Choose an underlay that meets low VOC emission criteria as set out by the US Carpet & Rug Institute such as Tredaire Dreamwalk.
  • Make sure the underlay is also classed as having "no objectionable odour" - the un branded budget ranges tend to have a pungent smell for a short time.
  • Vacuum your carpet with a quality machine with a HEPA filter.
  • Consider steam cleaning your carpets a periodic times - always use a professional for this job as steam can permanently damage you carpet if not done correctly.
  • Do not be afraid of a wool carpet - after all wool is a natural product!
  • If you do choose a man made carpet they really are ideal for use in the modern home but a great tip is to air them for a couple of days in a dry area such as your garage before fitting to help reduce smells.
  • Make use of a quality door mat to remove dust from shoes before it comes into the home.

The debate of what is the best flooring for someone who suffers from asthma will rumble on and on and there have been many research projects undertaken.  One thing for sure is that preventative measures will always help and reducing the dust both held in or on a flooring as well as airborne must be a benefit to all.

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